Helping to build your self worth when you may not see it

Woman On A Mission

May 29, 2024

As I sit here somewhat dazed and confused, I wonder; “Why is it not working for me?” ” Where did I mess up?” I have worked hard, day in and day out, to build my photography and podcast business. Yes I have been doing photography longer than my podcast but I constantly put the pressure on myself and ask; “What is wrong with you?” “Why are you not getting it?”

Life, as we know it, is hectic and busy.

You have to work, pay the bills, feed the kids, sometimes help with homework, read to them so that they build a love for reading and a great vocabulary. Did you call the doctors and make Logan’s appointments? I need to spend more time with my teenage daughters. Does Luke have any friends at school? Maybe I should schedule a play date. Don’t forget about the laundry. Did you go grocery shopping yet? How is your business coming along? When was the last time you went out on a date with Aaron? You need a haircut. Did you record your podcast this week? Don’t forget to post your content on social media, because consistency is KEY!! Oh my gosh, look at the lighting outside, let’s go grab someone and take some phenomenal shots!! Oh, and make sure you take time for YOU.

((Yes, I may slightly be ADHD…LOL )) BUT……

Oh my gosh, if I could tell the voices in my head to SHUT-UP, I would!!! But this is my voice inside my head, comparing and contrasting on what more I could do and how I could do it better.

This Woman is on a Mission.

I have goals to make and accomplish and tasks that need to get done. But how do us moms create a consistent schedule in between our busy lives?

Some of us can easily create that fantastic schedule and stick to it and some of us fall short and get frustrated; like me.

But I may just have a couple solutions for us busy moms that want to succeed in our own businesses.

Take a deep breath and hear me out……. Are you ready?

First things first

Write in a journal daily. I don’t care if you write it in the morning, during the day, at night, pick a time, the same time everyday and write about your day or what you are experiencing. Find a quiet moment with yourself and write for a couple minutes.

If you write in it during the day and have small kids, write in it during nap time and if they don’t take naps create a quite time moment to have a moment with yourself. This way, when you are surrounded by peace, your thoughts are opened, and you start to write and the thoughts and inspiration start to come.

When you achieve this, I believe its as if you’re talking to God. As you write, you will get inspiration, and or given ideas on what you need to do or not to do.


So I figured. I need to share it!

Suggestion #2 Video.

If I recorded my everyday life, people would have an insight on what I experience 24/7. But I don’t have time to edit many of the videos that get recorded and then post them. How do these people do it?

Well, if you don’t have time to write, you can make time to Vlog. Keep your video under a minute. Grab the audiences attention with a strong hook. ” Guess What? ” “Oh my gosh, guess what happened?” “Here I go again” ” Listen Up” , I think you get my point.

When you start with a strong Hook and keep your video under a minute, you will grab your audiences attention and be curious in what you have to share. And then you guessed it. BE CONSISTENT.

In time if you feel so inclined, you can start increasing your time to a longer video. But start with under a minute.

I am a Woman on a Mission and I am going to try this with all of you.

Write down the day you started and after a week, see where you are at. You won’t see a success in a week, but you will build somewhat of audience that will love your energy, your personality, what you have to share, what you do, etc.

Being raw and real is what people gravitate to.

Suggestion #3

Leave a Comment on 3 different people’s posts. I choose 3 because that is my lucky number.

Choose how ever many people you want to cheer on. But you’re not only commenting and cheering them on, you need to keep up with the content that they share and then tag them in one of your posts and share with others what they do and how they inspire you.

Spreading Kindness comes back ten fold. Not only are you helping those individuals grow through their audience, but you never know who will be impacted by that content creator.


Here we go, we are going to write in our journal daily, record a video of ourselves under a minute, even if its introducing yourself and sharing what you love and do, and then comment and spread the kindess about others. THEN REPEAT. AGAIN AND AGAIN!

These are exciting and hopefully easy tasks for us mothers to accomplish. WE CAN DO IT!!

Share your journey with me by tagging me @sassymamaandherlife and share it as #WomanOnaMission2024. I would love to follow you and cheer you on!!

Lets help each other grow and succeed in our own businesses!!

Hugs to you my friend-


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