Helping to build your self worth when you may not see it

How It All Started

January 31, 2024

When I was younger I could go up to anyone, introduce myself, and talk to them forever. I was outgoing, and filled with a lot of personality. I was the oldest of 5 and my mom relied on me to be her big helper.

As time went on, I noticed, when I was in Elementary school that I struggled in school.

I was embarrassed.

I would ask myself; “Why do I struggle in school and other kids don’t.”

This feeling of belief that I was the only one that struggled, carried me through high school.


I felt out of place.

BUT- I loved playing with hair, taking pictures, and talking to people. I loved making people laugh, feel loved and wanted.

So I thought, Why not take Cosmetology during my Junior/Senior Year of High school? I love playing with hair, so why not make it into a profession. With my love in playing with hair, I also wanted to be a model. I loved being in front of the camera. But, that wasn’t in the cards. My mom shut that idea down. So I lived vicariously through doing hair, always striking a pose for the camera and wanting to make friends wherever I went.

I love being around people. I love to talk. And as my profession grew as a hairdresser and photographer, I was stumped. Do I continue to do hair and photography or do I speak and start a podcast? I had so many loves and desires.

That’s when it hit me.

Why not take all of my professions, and combine them to share with others? I felt as if the Lord was expanding my ideas and gave me the thought to help build womens self worth through my words and photography.

And so my journey began.

I help build women’s self worth through pampering them in doing their hair, whether it is a wash and blow dry, or wash, cut, and blow dry. I love taking their photos in my studio and dressing them up with a selection of outfits that I have or that the client brings from their home. And I love stepping out into the outdoors and capturing their beauty in God’s Light.

This is what I feel drawn to do. As I grow in my professions as a hairdresser and photographer, I am building my skills as a podcaster and sharing stories, experiences and so much more that many women can relate to. But as a woman, this is not what I get to do all day long. I am a mom, I am a special needs mom, and I do my best in showing up for them as well as my husband.

Life isn’t easy, But why not help those with what you do best. And for me, that is building womens self worth through my gifts and talents as a hairdresser, photographer, podcaster, mom and wife. ( Don’t ever disregard yourself as being a mom, it is an amazing blessing). ( Below is an image of my family with our exchanged student daughter from France. She is with us for a year).

The journey we are all on are life lessons. Many of them are hard and painful, and some of them are rewarding and exciting. So when I say I want to connect with you, I truly mean it. I want to connect with you more face to face whether we meet on line for an interview on my podcast or getting the pleasure of doing your hair and or photos.

I am here for you my friend. Come and be apart of Sassy Mama And Her Life and Sassy Mama Photography Journey. I believe we can relate and connect with each other more than you realize.

If you haven’t already, I would love for you to subscribe to my email list to be in the KNOW of all things in my Sassy Mama Life and my Sassy (but classy ) Photography. Subscribe here and come be apart of the journey.

Hugs to you my friend- Stay Sassy and Classy.


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