Helping to build your self worth when you may not see it

Put God First and Read His Words

Put God First and Read His Words

October 3, 2024

Do you get caught up in your every day tasks and realize at the end of the day; ” Oh my gosh, I didn’t even read my scriptures?” Or maybe you haven’t even realized that you don’t do it often.

I personally have to set alarms for myself throughout the day to remind myself to STOP and get that task done. One of them, believe it or not, is Reading my Scriptures.

8:30am is when my alarm is set to go off to put God first and read my scriptures. I said a prayer out loud this morning before I started, asking God what message I needed to hear today.

I opened my scriptures to James 3:17; ” But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”

I then caught my eye to the end of verse 2 In James 4; “….ye have not, because ye ask not.” I recently have started asking God if any of my ancestors, siblings, or friends have been given gifts that they don’t use.

Let me share a story with you.

My family is incredibly talented in the musical department. They play the piano and sing well. I feel like I am a wannabe singer and I play decent on the piano. I have been taking piano lessons to enhance this desired talent for the last year now and I am still hopeful to grow and become better. For the last couple of months I have been asking God if any of my ancestors, family members or friends have any talents/gifts that they have been given that they don’t use and I could have?

I kid you not, my brother text me the next day and said, “I’m going to start singing again.” My brother hasn’t sung for a while, and my question to the Lord, placed that thought into his head in hopes to keep up with that gift.

I believe that the Lord inspired my brother to start singing again, or the Lord would’ve given me his talent. ( I mean, you never know… I did ask…lol )

When we put God first and read His words and His messages to us, He will carry us through our day by inspiration and guidance in what He would have us do. Doing my daily scripture reading has led me to ask God for things that I desire to have.

Immerse yourself in Gods Light. Feel his Love for you and all that He wants to give you!!

Think of it this way.

You are the phone, and God is the charger.

If you don’t recharge yourself, you won’t function properly. Take time out of your day and give yourself to God, and you will be inspired on how you will be led.

It doesn’t hurt to ask for what you desire, but I truly believe that we need to do our part ( recharge ourselves) for God to give us what we desire to have.

Today is day 2 of my Self-Love Tasks that I wanted to share with you all. I pray that you take time out of your day, even if it is 5 minutes, and study His words. Read before you have that big exam or that big interview, Read to receive comfort, Read to be guided by His hand. He has a plan for you, don’t fight it, just take one step at a time, and todays step; Put God First and Read His Words.

Hugs to you my friend!!! Share your favorite scripture or a scripture that spoke to you.


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