Helping to build your self worth when you may not see it

Blow Dry Your Hair

Blow Dry Your Hair

October 1, 2024

I organized my thoughts into a deep funnel of questions. ” What can I share with women?” ” How can I make an impact in women’s lives?” “Inspire me Lord to what I can do differently” We can get caught up in the daily chaos of life. We start to feel overwhelmed and then have that feeling of “its no use” ” I can’t do this anymore.”

That is exactly where I was. My mind was in complete chaos and I felt overwhelmed. This isn’t me. I am an extrovert. I love people, I love talking and engaging with others. Then I heard a calm voice; “Get organized.” I looked at my desk and there were papers everywhere. They were from class after class, and thought after thought.

No wonder I felt overwhelmed, my life was in a bit of a chaos field. I took the day, and organized everything around me.

Then it hit me. “Create a 30 day Self-Love Tasks that you can share with others.”

As I was reading my scriptures this morning I came across two similar passages.

I feel that God was speaking to me even more; ” Share your Light, your gifts, your talents, your knowledge to all Women.” That was such a powerful confirmation for me.

As a professional hairdresser and photographer, I am creative everyday. My work brings me joy and love.

I see God’s light and movement of hair differently than others do.

Today is day one of my 30 day Self-Love Tasks. I am going to be posting 4 days a week and sharing everything that I love and that I have learned that brings me Self-Love for myself that I can share with you.

I want you to have self-love for yourself, I want you to laugh, to use your gifts again, to start that business, to not be afraid of being YOU.

Alright ladies. Wether you are a mom with littles and you’re trying to come up for air or you struggling mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, etc, I am going to ask you to do one thing today…….


Yes, you will have to take a shower, but this is a task that can rejuvenate you body, mind, and soul. Take a moment and schedule this one task in your day.

It doesn’t matter what time you blow dry your hair. I actually blowed dried my hair at 1pm today after I cleaned my house, but I got it done. We need to feel like women again, we need to bring that sexiness back out and not be like a forgotten image stored in your phone or computer that rarely gets seen.

You are Priceless and your beauty is worth showing.

Oh; and don’t forget to take a selfie!! Share it and tag me in it 🙂

Hugs to you my friend


  1. Jackie Graves says:

    Love love love! I did blow dry this week, which rarely happens and it did make me feel glamorous:)!

  2. Britney says:

    I appreciate you my dear friend for always supporting me ☺️ Loves

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