Helping to build your self worth when you may not see it

3 Ways of Embracing Change

March 8, 2024

You’re lying in bed, your alarm goes off and you sigh with the thought, ” Here is to another day.”

But it doesn’t just have to be “another day” you can change your outlook, your day, your tasks, what you want to accomplish, and replace your thought with; “Today is a new day for change!”

Change is an inevitable and a constant aspect of life. Change surrounds us, shaping our experiences and influencing our journey through life. However, the mere thought of change often triggers fear and discomfort. In this blog post, we’ll explore 3 ways on how embracing Change can work by First, understanding the transformative power of embracing change, Second, understanding how it can propel us beyond our fears and Third, foster personal growth and success.

While my husband Aaron and I were on the beach in Florida, I saw this couple that looked so adorable and were trying to take selfies of each other.

I looked at Aaron and said; “I’m going to go help them out.” As I approached them, I introduced myself by saying; “Hi, my name is Britney and I am a professional portrait photographer. I would love to help you take your images on your phone.” 5 minutes goes by and after directing them and getting all variety of angles, she looked through her phone and was jumping out of her skin. She loved them, which made me feel good.

I walked back to where Aaron was sitting and 20 minutues later I see this girl running down the beach while holding her boyfriends hand, waving me down. It took me a second to realize who it was and as she approached me, she asked for my social media so she could follow me. This adorable couple was from Cuba, and though I may never see them again or offer my photography services to them, I was delighted that she wanted my photography Instagram page.

That’s when it hit me.

I was going to change the way I approach people. I was going to offer my services by taking pictures of people with their phones and if they were interested in professional shots, I could give them my business card. Experiencing this change will not only help me to reach out to more people, but will give people a taste of what I am like instead of guessing what type of person I am when they look through my website.


By embracing change it helps you be adaptable and flexible. Now I’m not talking about seeing how far you can do the splits, but how far can your flexibility in adapting to change is. Now some people are energized by change and some get paralized by the thought of it. So this may work differently for everyone.

Take out a piece of paper and a pen, or take some notes in your phone. There are 2 tips that can help you ebrace change. 1. Set a new alarm in your phone for your new task that you want to accomplish. This may be, getting up earlier to work out, take time to meditate and pray, read your scriptures, set time for yourself to do your hair, ANYTHING. But this task needs to start small. Don’t try to set a LARGE goal for yourself, because that is when many of us give up and the change doesn’t happen. 2. Try this new task ( #1) for 2 weeks. Write down at the end of the day how you did. What do you feel like? Is it different? Uncomfortable? Does it bring you fear? This is when it gets exciting.


George Clooney said; “We can’t grow from our successes. We grow from our failures.” If we can rehearse what George Clooney said over and over again in our minds, we can start to understand how much we need to learn and go through our fears to get closer to our growth and successes. God said it never would be easy, He just said it would be worth it.

What propels us to keep going passed our fears is seeing what we have done and or accomplished. It gives us that reassurance that we are making strides. This is where we need to make a Vision Board. Now a vision board doesn’t show what we have done in propelling us through our daily fears, but it gives us a reminder to KEEP GOING on what we are trying to achieve. I’ve created a Task Board template for you in Canva to use. It’s almost like a vision board, but I want you to put pictures in each of the boxes of the little tasks you need to make to propel you through your fear.

Then, I want you to print and tape it where you will see it OFTEN. You don’t need to fill the whole board and you can delete the image blocks you don’t need. This visual HELPS keeps propelling you beyond your fears, and before you know it, you are on the path of growth and success.


Change allows you to explore new things and learn from different expriences. Foster the personal growth and success. Give yourself little rewards for the milestones you have made in achieving the change which has taken you through the path of fear and led you to the path of growth and success. YOU DESERVE ALL THE SUCCESS.

We grow from every new little change and that little change starts to form a habit within us. On your vision board, you can write out little rewards for yourself when that task is acchieved. Its like creating a star chart but for adults. ( If you have kids you will know what I’m talking about…hahaha)

Your growth can lead you to so many new changes such as; gaining confidence, becoming more flexible in your schedule, enhanced lifestyle, motivation, compassion, more opportunities whether in life or work, and the biggest one of all, you have overcome your fear.


Once you have succeeded with embracing your new change, you can do this process again with another avenue of change. Thomas Fuller said; “All things are difficult before they are easy.”

He is right.

Everything is difficult at first; learning social media, driving, cooking, public speaking, learning a new language, going to school, the list goes on and on. But there is that little seed in all of us and that is Faith. Once we take that leap of faith to make the change, and brace ourselves through the confusion of fear, we then start to grow and succeed like we never imagined.

I personally have faith in you my friend. Go and make the change and do something great!!

Hugs to you-


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